Bob Smiley breaks ASH kilo record
Here are a few factoids on breaking the ASH record.
Motor is the Sidewinder 15s.
The boat is "Goofy" which is the existing record boat for 200 mod 64.694 set in 10/18/97 at Devil's Lake Oregon with Robert J. West driver and Loyd Mize owner and ASH 62.163 set in 3/6/1999 at Oroville, CA with Shawn Love driver and owned by Jack Terrell. The record is now 64.51 mph, a 3.8% increase to the old record. Last fall Bob Wartinger said, "You need to get Jack Terrell's laydown hydro." I did but it was in terrible shape. So Daryll Sorenson took it under his wing and restored the hull. Fortunately he did not have to replace the bottom so the magic remains. Testing was inconclusive last fall so I used the competition boat and established the 95% record with a poorly trimmed hemp/Smiley hydro.
The first four runs were all above the record and I returned to the pits. The first south run I passed the entrance bouy on the left so that was an invalid run. Water conditions were OK. All passes were in excess of the existing record. Returning to the pits I knew the record was broken which was confirmed when Bob Wartinger waving the red flag signaled to go out and make another run. That was a great decision because the last two leg run was the fastest. Water conditions were outstanding, probably the best of the day for a hydro. The boat was flying over the water, motor reeving the highest ever recorded and it sounded like a midwest severe hailstorm pounding on a wood roof as the hull flew over the water. The scanner operators heard it also. The boat was rattling over the water and bow lifted once in the final run spilling air rocking side to side like Hubert Enthrop's merc 75 in the late fifties. What a ride. Can this be duplicated again? Yes, at Devil's Lake Oregon. It is in the boat, however, everything must be perfect.
According to Bob W., Breaking a record is "like finding a black cat in a dark room with no windows and doors and hope it brushes up against your leg." I believe that to be true. That cat was found Saturday April 21,2018
I need to give credit where credit is due. This is an amazing experience for a man whose 76 birthday occurred two days ago. This is not a one man show. Bob Wartinger has been faithfully mentoring and coaching me, we have had several test sessions since late last summer, his prop inventory is amazing and we are having boatloads of fun. You all know Bob and now I have the privilege of testing with him with our equipment and learning from the best in the world. Also Daryll Sorenson has been immensely helpful and supportive with the boat restoration and guidance. It was my desire to add to the legacy of "Goofy" created by Daryll and Jack Terrill for all the trial and error, testing, solving all the problems to create an amazing ride. Team "Goofy" is now established.